Create a Framework With Programmatic Direction in Digital Marketing

Programmatic direction in digital marketing helps to describe and develop a framework for research, which highlights the interaction in the marketing process and also in the strategy process. For future research we figure out the evolving issues in and also the interaction of associated question. This framework is used to disclose the activities required to create, plan and execute in a successful technique for this marketing program. To be a successful digital marketer you can follow easily a framework which you can brainstorm and implement digital marketing strategy. Everyone’s skills is essential, but at the end of the day, they need to work well together to finish it. This is the main aim of this programmatic framework, how to make the best marketing strategy.

Starts everything with an objective, it’s not a new thing. The most important is how can you define your objectives. Lead and Conversion are the two types of objective we usually have in digital marketing. Lead generation is a form of driving a business it is a process of attracting and converting audience into leads, it can be defined as a marketing process of capturing the interest of the audience for a product or service for increasing the sales. These goals need to be established across the entire organisation, which include quantitative goals along with occurring over visions for the company. Hypothesis is important to narrow down your actual goal, from where you can implement to be a successful in this profession.

Competitive Analysis:
Benchmarking & Competitive analysis is the successful factors. The purpose is to gain a level of understanding that allows you to develop your digital marketing strategy based on competitor understanding. For framing a programmatic direction you should not be dictated by what you learn about the competitors, you should be acting in response to that can be imperfect than doing nothing. Yet standard sense tells that knowledge is the power – simply knowing how you compare, finding quick attention and defining your method of long-term strategy contribute you toward more control and power.

It is a marketing strategy that encourages a customer to take a specific action. In programmatic digital marketing, conversion is the construction used to often describe the act of converting an audience who searches your site to a paying customer. If a customer discard their shopping cart, the distributed may market a special offer to convert the audience from search to paying audience. Conversion marketing is calculated by conversion rate the percentage of visitors who take the appropriate action.

Seven Steps to Successful Online Marketing for New E-Commerce Solutions

With the advent of better (and easier) web technologies, it has led to an advent of numerous e-commerce solutions taking to the web. Early birds have already left the flock in many key segments, but there are a lot of segments which still have the early bird advantage. We provide to you Seven Steps to successful Online Marketing for those who were earlier hesitant but have decided to launch or already have launched e-commerce solutions for themselves:

1. Online marketing moguls believe that the e-commerce solutions segment for electronics has almost reached the stagnation point, but there are countries or regions which still have space for development of new business opportunities. You will be able to market naturally if you find these regions, which have been left behind those already in the market. Providing them with services will always be a good business and marketing strategy.

2. Make use of segmentation, and by this we mean segment the already existing categories into segments. By doing this you can pick up a few products/services from the existing available players in the market and give better and more efficient service/products of the same background. It may be counted as specialization services/products, but it can be very efficiently marketed to your consumers. This will even help you in online marketing for your keywords will have less competition and maybe even unique.

3. Branding is very important when it comes to new e-commerce solutions, as the market is filled with numerous e-commerce solutions. But contrary to the stated fact if you ask any by standing consumer who is not a novice to online portals, he/she would not be able to name more than 4-5 e-commerce solutions. Branding can be easily achieved via numerous online marketing tactics as well as traditional marketing, but it helps if the branding has been well thought of before deciding on the brand name as well as logo.

4. Online marketing is different from traditional marketing in many ways, in online marketing you are competing with others online for users attention but it is open field, and it is not necessary that you need to be on the prime location to sit back and mint money. There are no prime locations online, and even if there are, they won’t be same with passage of time. E-commerce Solutions for various products rise and fall in the market share statistics because of various reasons.

5. Connect with your consumers, with the e-commerce solutions, even though the consumer can’t touch and feel with the portal, they still can connect with you. With efficient online marketing decisions, social media can be efficiently used to connect with your consumers. Meet them, greet them, solve their issues, introduce them to new products or services, and much more things can be done, which are limited to your imagination. Connecting with your consumers will lead to development of trust and bond between the brand and consumer.

6. Don’t hide behind the website, whenever you can interact with consumers through traditional media, meetings, seminars, workshops, etc. so that the physical presence is felt by the consumer. This will help your e-commerce solutions a long way as the trust is built over time due to physical presence. These can be effectively made prominent using online marketing campaigns, mixing the online marketing with traditional media is an effective concoction for success.

7. Lastly, understand what the consumer needs, e-commerce solutions like any other business always needs to think, advance and build to a larger and more stable state. This is required in order to survive in the dog eat dog world of e-commerce solutions. Even though you may lead in a segment, any new competition or even a diversification effort by another existing e-commerce portal can affect you in ways you can only imagine. Online marketing can be very effective in getting a feedback from the first day at how your consumers are able to find you, which services are in maximum demand from you, or even regions where your e-commerce solution has the most number of consumers. Online marketing surveys can also be an efficient and effective of getting a feedback from your consumers.

10 Disciplines of Effective Nutrition

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.

- Jim Rohn

Realistically, I could write a complete book on discipline… Hey wait, that’s a good idea… Anyway, discipline is such an exciting concept to me, I am so motivated by the thought that with each and everyday we can exact discipline in our lives and one day master the concept entirely. I have always been fairly good at putting my mind to something and eventually getting what I wanted. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I could do this with focus and manifest specifically what I wanted, what I desired at a more expedient rate. And with that said, take it from me, discipline is a virtue, a thing to practice that takes you where you want to go and gets you what you want, yes…it’s really that simple. As for nutrition, because there is so much conflicting and misleading information out there, I will try to simplify the disciplinary elements of nutrition and provide the tangibles on how to exact results from plain simple practice. After all, practice makes perfect!

My guess is with the plethora of conflicting advice abound and so ubiquitously present; you’re still mystified, yet still seeking a real solution to your nutritional dilemma, good for you. And again, I’ll bet you’re probably still wondering… Does anyone out there even know what the heck they’re talking about? Will the experts, those guru’s of gnosh really ever reach a consensus on anything? Is the health and fitness industry only about profit, or is there anybody out there whose integrity and desire to teach the gospel truth about nutrition alive and kicking? These are all good questions and very justifiable, you are not alone my friend. Yes and no is the ambiguous answer or answers, it depends on what side of the fence you are on and who is buttering your bread, unfortunately most people are still looking for the quick fix, the magic bullet, so it does make it quite hard to speak to an audience that doesn’t even ‘show up’, let alone listen. But because you found yourself here, that means you showed up and are listening, therefore this one is for you, those who seek shall find, so without further adieu, here you go…

…You’ve picked up every book and e-book on the subjects of food and nutrition and you’ve perused every web site on the net and now you speculate whether you’ll need a degree in either nutritional biochemistry or food science before you can lose that stubborn abdominal or inner thigh fat.

So what’s the deal? Why so much confusion? Why does one guru suggest that high protein is best for everyone, while another guru suggests high carb and yet another guru suggests high fat? Whew, thats a lot of gurus. Anywhoo… What exactly do high protein, high carb, and high fat really mean? And why are other experts, those pesky guru’s telling us that food choices should be based on our “metabolic type,” our “blood type,” or our “pedigree” or “point of origin”? Such confusion!

Antithetically speaking, one authority declares; “Eat like a Cro-Magnon” and another loudly and proudly utters, “Eat like a Neandertal”, or perhaps you should consume like an ancient Norseman, what gives? But while searching for nutritional Valhalla, most folks just go astray and eat like a Modern American–and end up appearing more like a Sumo than a Samurai.

These days, we have a dissonance of expertise: lots of confusing noise from the pros drowning out the signal of truth. Where is the beacon of clarity?

Confusingly, on the surface it does appear as if today’s nutrition technology is quite advanced. After all, we have at our disposal more nutrition information than ever before. More money is being spent on nutrition research than in any time in history. Every day, impressive strides are being made in the field. Tons of nutrition experts are rising and or being eleated to prominence, fame and fortune. Yet simultaneously and quite sadly, we’re witnessing a steadily increasing rate of obesity, an increase in nutrition-related illness (Diabetes, CVD, and Syndrome X), and an increase in nutrition-related mortality.

A major contributor to the quandary is that much of the information hasn’t reached the people who need it. While another part of the predicament is that even when it does reach those people, they often don’t use it, it’s too much work. And certainly, the dilemma is multi-factorial–there are probably many more reasons than I can list here, like with anything most of the issues are cumulative and not isolated.

So I ask… How much more information do we need?

Strangely, the overwhelmingly curious thing is that many people try to solve the problem by seeking out more information. They know it all and still want more. If there’s one thing of which I am absolutely convinced, it’s that a lack of good nutrition information isn’t what prevents us from reaching our goals or attaining what we desire. We already know everything we need to know. Sometimes the real problem isn’t too little information but too much.

All the fundamental principles you need to achieve good health and optimal body composition are out there already, and have been for years. Unfortunately, with 2500 experts for every fundamental principle and very little money to be made from repeating other people’s ideas, the gurus’ must continually emphasize the small (and often relatively unimportant) differences between their diet/eating plans and the diet/eating plans of all the other experts out there.

In the world of advertising and marketing or profiteering, this is called “differentiation.” By highlighting the small distinctions and fleshing out the large similarities between their program and all the others, they’re going to the mat for your next nutritional dollar.

Now…and let me be clear on this, I’m not accusing nutrition experts of quackery, I stand for unity not division! Yes, some programs are pure unadulterated rubbish, mindless drivel. Those are generally quite easy to pick out and are not worth discussion here, or in my opinion anywhere. And the truth is most professionals/experts do know what they are talking about, can get results, and wholeheartedly believe in what they’re doing. Many of the differences between them are theoretical and not practical, and on the fundamentals they generally agree completely.

In fact, many of the mainstream programs out there, if not most of them, will work. To what extent and for how long, quite obviously will vary. As long as a program is internally consistent, follows a few basic nutritional precepts, and as long as you adhere to it consistently, without hesitation, and without mixing principles haphazardly taken from other programs, you’ll get some results. It’s that simple and that hard…as you can see; results depend as much if not more on psychology as on biochemistry or physiology.

But if you’re like most people, you’ll first review all the most often discussed programs before deciding which to follow. And in this assessment, you’ll get confused, lost, and then do the inevitable. That’s right; you’ll revert back to your old, ineffectual nutrition habits.

You see, most commercial weight loss programs work in the short term (initial lean mass loss), they are not effective fat loss programs because they are deprivational by nature, which means the body is starved of a sufficient amount of daily calories to maintain proper function and the first thing that occurs is a loss of muscle tissue; translating to weight loss. But this is not the solution; no it usually is the beginning of the downward spiral of confusion and frustration.

So, let me give you something that is unbiased and unfettered…

I call these applications:

“10 Disciplines of Effective Nutrition”

These definitely are not new or innovative techniques and procedures, nor are they cutting-edge. More blatantly, they are simple, time-tested; no nonsense traditions that you need to apply when subject to an effective ingestion program.

1. The majority of your daily caloric intake should be in whole foods, except workout and post-workout drinks.

2. Always eat a complete (containing all the essential amino acids), lean protein with each meal.

3. Consume either fruits or vegetables with each meal.

4. Eliminate starchy carbohydrates from daily consumption, except morning oatmeal.

5. The majority of your carbohydrate intake should come from fruits and vegetables, with the exception of workout and post-workout drinks & meals and the morning oatmeal.

6. Do away with all simple sugars and nutrient barren carbohydrates (e.g. candy, cake, cookies, pastries and the like).

7. Make certain that 20-30% of your energy intake comes from fat, with your fat intake split equally between saturates (e.g. animal fat), monounsaturated (e.g., olive oil), and polyunsaturated (e.g. flax oil, salmon oil).

8. Drink only non-caloric beverages, the best choices being water and green tea.

9. Imbibe no less than 10, eight ounce glasses of water per day. More if you exercise and you should be exercising.

10. Consume every 2-3 hours, no matter what. You should eat between 5-8 meals per day.


Most people can achieve optimal fitness and a desired healthy body composition using the 10 disciplines alone. In fact, with a good deal of my clients at Synergy Fitness Systems, I spend the first few months just supervising their adherence to these 10 fundamentals. But, if you have explicit needs, or if you’ve reached the ninety-percentile, you may need a bit more individualization and or specific fine-tuning beyond the 10 disciplines, so feel free to call or email me.